‘Look Before You Pump’ Campaign Great for Industry

Launched at GIE+EXPO this year, the “Look Before You Pump” campaign is a great way to get consumers, landscapers and the general public educated about ethanol.

Ethanol has been a word thrown around for some time now, but understanding and educating yourself with the most recent laws, initiatives and campaigns can be of great benefit to your business.

The national ethanol education and consumer protection campaign has been initiated by OPEI, the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute.  

The main initiative: to educate individuals that ethanol higher than 10 percent in any outdoor power equipment is illegal and very harmful.

Landscapers especially need to become more aware of the laws and regulations surrounding ethanol and make it a point to become educated on this campaign.

Train your crews, and help them spread the word as well.

It wasn’t until after the campaign was launched at GIE+EXPO that I pulled into a gas station and noticed the E10 sticker, as well as a warning label.

By becoming more aware of symbols, signs, stickers and warning labels, landscapers can start the education process.

I urge you to read up on the campaign and educate your crews.

Follow the campaign on its website or search for #LookB4UPump on social media channels. 

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover