There are hundreds if not thousands of landscaping companies all over the United States, so what makes your company stand out?
Usual responses include: customer service, hard work, dedication, ect., ect., ect.
But, what really makes your company stand out?
Every landscaping companies needs to add a certain uniqueness to stand out about the rest.
According to the Small Business Administration, it’s important for landscapers to find a “niche.”
“Creating a niche for your business is essential to success,” the SBA says. “Often, business owners can identify a niche based on their own market knowledge, but it can also be helpful to conduct a market survey with potential customers to uncover untapped needs.”
The SBA recommends to follow these items during the research process:
- Which areas your competitors are already well-established
- Which areas are being ignored by your competitors
- Potential opportunities for your business
Whether it’s adding the element of family, combining multiple companies into one or even implementing live reindeer, every landscaper needs something to help them stand out.
For instance, 2013 Landscaper of the Year finalists and owners of The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Centers, Mark and Kay Halla, offer Christmas tree packages and field trips to their centers. The children are able to see live reindeer, elves (Mark himself) and Santa.
Another 2013 finalist and owner of Hanson Landscape, Dustin Hanson, brought in his brother to run a maintenance division, as well as a close friend to run the construction company. The landscape, maintenance and construction companies work as one unit on jobsites.
Additionally, Ross Bowen, owner of Ross NW Watergardens and another 2013 finalist, brought on his son, Ben Bowen, to run the maintenance part of the company, as well as implement social media, blogging and other technologies to help the business grow.
All of these decisions are business decisions that have helped each company stand out in a unique way.
According to Ben Bowen, it was a great feeling to go to a client’s house and have them say, “It’s Ben from the blog!”
Your work can make you stand out and get new clients, but it’s the little business decisions like coupons, community involvement and great marketing ideas that will let you keep those clients for 20 years.
No one can say it better than Mark Twain, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”