Groups file petition asking EPA to keep E10 available

Updated Feb 19, 2013

Auto, marine, motorcycle, outdoor power equipment, personal watercraft and snowmobile groups filed a petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure the continued sale and availability of gasoline blends of no greater than 10 percent ethanol.

Tens of millions of people use 400 million engine products with this blend each day in the United States. These products were not designed, built or warranted to run on any fuel containing more than 10 percent ethanol. The groups are concerned that retailers are not prepared to offer both E10 and E15 at their stations, and given the chance, they may opt to offer E15 only.

The petition for rulemaking, filed with the U.S. EPA, says with a partial waiver ruling, EPA cannot assure E10 fuel will be available for Legacy Fleet. Therefore, the petitioners request that EPA ensure continued consumer choice by requiring the continued sale of gasoline blends of no greater than E10 fuel.

To view a detailed fact sheet on the joint petition filing, click here.

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