Landscaper wins award for phone book contest

Updated Feb 19, 2013



Commissioner President Terry Baker (right) awards Tom Grosh with a merit award.

Tom Grosh, owner of Grosh’s Lawn Service and one of TLC’s 2010 Landscaper of the Year finalists, received a Certificate of Merit Award from the Washington County Commissioners by Commissioner President Terry Baker. Grosh was also awarded Washington County Commissioner Jeff Cline’s “Washington County Lapel Pin.”

Three years ago, Grosh, came up with the idea to have the students in the Washington County School systems collect and recycle used phone books so they could be kept out of the waste stream. This contest also raises awareness about the importance of recycling. Grosh met with Harvey Hoch, the Washington County recycling coordinator at that time, and they agreed to hold the contest in conjunction with Earth Day.

In 2011, more than 9,700 phonebooks were collected by 13 participating Washington County Public Schools. These efforts saved 62 trees, 233 gallons of oil, 153 gallons of gas and 11 cubic yards of landfill space.

The Washington County Phone Book Recycling Contest is an annual event organized by the Washington County recycling coordinator and sponsored by various local businesses.

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