OPEI’s Kris Kiser Talks Ethanol

Updated Feb 1, 2013

I read with interest the story about Maine eyeing to ban fuel with more than 10-percent ethanol in the Jan. 11 article “Maine DEP working on plan to ban gas blends with more than 10 percent ethanol.”

Hats off to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and hopefully Maine lawmakers in their quest to ensure consumer safety.

As the head of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, an organization that has been battling the introduction of higher ethanol-blend fuels for several years, Maine’s effort to protect consumers from the risky and harmful effects of ethanol 15’s use should be lauded.

Ethanol 15 (E15) was prematurely introduced into the marketplace. In a rush to introduce a renewable fuel, E15 now appears at gas pumps across the country, causing confusion, anxiety, anger — and engine failure.

Read the full article here.

– Kris Kiser

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