Bayer Begins Construction On Bee Care Center

Updated Jun 7, 2013


Bayer CropScience has started the construction on its North American Bee Care Center.

The 6,000-square-foot facility will complement the existing Bee Care Center established in 2012 at the company’s global headquarters in Monheim, Germany.

The new building will be home to a full laboratory and teaching apiary, honey extraction and workshop space, interactive learning center, as well as meeting, training and presentation facilities for beekeepers, farmers and educators.

The center will be located by the Research Triangle Park to help coordinate and extend research projects directed at bee health.

The goal of the building is to provide a place to support research as well as educate the general public about the importance of honeybees in agriculture through pollination.

In the article, “Landscapers Can Help Dwindling Honeybee Population,” the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports a loss of 30.5 percent of the honeybee population as opposed to the 22 percent the year before.

The USDA also reports bees are suffering from a complex set of stressors, including parasites and diseases, lack of genetic diversity and sharing among all stakeholders as a critical component in promoting best management practices. 

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