Injectable Antibiotic Designed to Help Tree Health

ArborOTC2containers-webLandscapers can help tree health with Aroborjet’s Arbor-OTC.

Arbor-OTC is a product that is injected into into the tree’s xylem through the trunk.

The antibiotic is then taken up by the vascular system and distributed throughout the plants to suppress the disease.

The water-soluble antibiotic is for the annual suppression of bacterial disease in non-food-bearing trees and palms.

When injected, Arbor-OTC is inside the tree protecting the tissue when the bacterial disease is present.

The container comes in two sizes: a one-ounce (28 gram) jar, designed for treating 10 trees or palms at 10-inch diameter at breast height (DBH) in the same day. This container can be filled with water, covered and shaken, and then the Arbor-OTC can be poured directly into the formulation tank on trunk injection equipment.

For bigger projects, the 5 ounce (140 gram) container makes enough Arbor-OTC to treat 50 trees or palms at 10-inch DBH. This container comes with a scoop to dose out the proper volume to mix with water.

Annual applications of Arbor-OTC can be made to treat bacterial diseases including Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Fire Blight, Lethal Yellowing and Texas Phoenix Palm Decline (types of Phytoplasma Disease).

Other diseases that may be treated with Arbor-OTC include Ash Yellows, Bacterial Blast, Bacterial Blight, Bacterial Canker, Blossom Blast, Blossom Blight and Canker, Bunch Disease, Crown Gall, Decline, Fruit Spot, Leaf and Shoot Blight, Leaf Blight and Brown Rot, Leaf Spot, Lethal Decline, Phloem Necrosis, Stem Canker, Stubborn Disease, Tip Dieback, Vascular Yellows, Wetwood/Slime Flux, Witches’ Broom (caused by mycoplasma-like organisms), and X-Disease.  

Arbor-OTC is not yet registered for use in all states, so landscapers need to contact a local extension or Department of Agriculture to verify the use of the product.


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