How Rock Features Add Variety with Little Maintenance

Rock features can add variety to landscapes and help cut down on maintenance.

B&D Rockeries has put together a series detailing how rock elements can add texture to a landscape and be used as a replacement feature.

The first part of the series discusses how rockeries can cut down on the maintenance and what types of rock features can be used.

For instance, rock gardens can be used to replace flowerbeds. The rocks will look the same year round while flowers can be susceptible to weather and bloom at certain times of the year.

However, rocks don’t always have to replace flowers.

Flowers and plants can help balance a rock garden to add character and contrast in a landscape.

The second part of the series discusses a variety of rockery filler flowers and groundcover.

However, the flowers selected need little maintenance and attention to go hand in hand with the rock garden idea.

Recommendations include, creeping phlox, evening primrose and yellow alyssum.

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