Paladin Adds to Bradco Ground Shark Lineup

Bradco Ground Shark Tlc Magazine

Paladin Attachments has released the Bradco Ground Shark Standard Duty Brush Cutter.

The brush cutter is the newest addition to the Ground Shark family and clears ground vegetation, light to medium density brush and hardwoods up to four inches in diameter.

Bradco Ground Shark Tlc Magazine JpgA dual pressure relief valve on the hydraulic motor is standard, protecting against any pressure spikes that could damage the drive system.

Three bi-directional blades cut in either direction to extend the operational life of the blades.

The Standard Duty model features ¼-inch steel deck, a quiet drive train and a shielded motor that protects it from falling debris and damage.

They are available in three cutting widths: 60, 72, and 78 inches and in a variety of low and high flow GPM ranges.

The optional pressure gauge allows the operator to maintain performance and prevent stalling.

Optional dual steel wheel kits mounted behind the front safety chains on the underside of the deck help prevent scalping.

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