PLANET Turns Attention to Helping Protect Pollinators, Ecosystems

Pollinator Week Tlc MagazinePLANET, the Professional Landcare Network, has joined the Pollinator Partnership, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.

A variety of industry companies, manufacturers, foundations, nonprofits and government agencies are part of the Pollinator Partnership.

PLANET encourages support for Pollinator Week June 16–23, which began seven years ago as an act of the U.S. Senate.

Individuals can access information, logos and other resources, as well as a list of events happening across the country, on the Pollinator Partnership website.

PLANET participates through EPA’s Pollinator Protection Workgroup and as a member of the EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC), a federal advisory committee.

The Attachments Idea Book
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