IA Announces Four More ‘Smart Irrigation Month: Bringing Water to Life’ Webinars

LogoThe Irrigation Association has announced four upcoming webinars as part of its “Smart Irrigation Month: Bringing Water to Life” series.

The 2014 series offers four agricultural and four turf/landscape webinars.

The webinars are free to both IA members and nonmembers. Participants can earn one IA continuing education unit toward IA certification.

Recordings of the past webinars are available on IA’s Smart Irrigation Month YouTube channel

Upcoming webinars include:

June 24
2 p.m. ET


Agriculture in a Changing Climate: Is Efficient Irrigation a Key to the Future?

In a recent study, efficient irrigation was named one of the top agricultural practices to mitigate the future effects of climate change (including water availability) on agricultural production. This webinar will look at climate change, water resources and efficient irrigation’s place in the future of agriculture.

Click here to register.

July 31
2 p.m. ET


Promoting Efficient Irrigation: Strategies That Work

July is Smart Irrigation Month. This webinar will address what it means to be “irrigation efficient” through promoting efficient technologies, products and services. Experts will look at the strategies and practices implemented by contractors, distributors, manufacturers and water providers to promote irrigation efficiency as the norm and not the exception.

Click here to register.

Oct. 21
2 p.m. ET


The Future of Irrigated Agriculture in the Colorado River Basin: Will There Be Enough Water?

The Colorado River Basin has received a lot of attention over the past few years. Studies continue to highlight the strain on the basin and the risk of “running out of water.” This webinar will look at current strategies to meet the needs of irrigated agriculture and will answer the question of whether there will be enough water in the future.

Click here to register.

Dec. 11
2 p.m. ET


Water Budgeting: The Future of Landscape Irrigation?

As commercial and residential irrigation water use is increasingly regulated, the concept of water budgeting is becoming more popular. Is this the future of landscape irrigation? What does it mean to irrigate through a water budget, and how does this translate to codes and regulations? This webinar will address how water budgeting works, including case studies that apply this technique.

Click here to register.


The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover