PLANET Recognizes More Than 100 Landscaping Projects at GIC

Planet Awards Of ExcellencePLANET, the Professional Landcare Network, held its annual awards presentation during the Green Industry Conference in Louisville, Kentucky recently.

The award program recognizes work in commercial and residential landscape design, installation and maintenance, as well as interior plant and the best in safety and sustainability.

The National Landscape Awards of Excellence were given to more than 100 projects in the following categories: 24 Grand, 53 Merit and 25 Recognition.

Four Judges Awards were announced and presented at the ceremony.

Lambert Landscape Company received two Judges Awards—one in the Residential Design/Build Category and the other in the Commercial Installation category—and John Mini Distinctive Landscapes received a Judges Award in the Landscape Management category. The Bartlett Tree Experts received a special Judges Award for its Care for the Trees at The National September 11th Memorial and Museum project. John Mini Distinctive Landscapes won the Audience Choice Award, which is voted on by those in attendance during the presentation.

Additionally, seven companies received the Sustainable Company Award, which recognizes those businesses that strive to protect and conserve resources, reduce waste, and prevent pollution and that promote an ethic of environmental sustainability within their workplace.

Winners included Greener Pastures Landscape, Inc., Dallas, Texas; Earth Groomers, Inc., Toms River, N.J.; E.A. Quinn Landscape Contracting, Inc., Glastonbury, Conn.; Signature Landscape Services, Inc., Redmond, Wash.; Del Conte’s Landscaping, Inc., Fremont, Calif.; James Martin Associates, Inc., Vernon Hills, Ill.; and Schill Grounds Management, Inc., North Ridgeville, Ohio.

The Attachments Idea Book
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Attachments Idea Book Cover