(Photos) Bobcat, TV Co-Hosts Transform Landscape into Sustainable Habitat

Conservation Plot Before E55 Flail Mower Clearing Brush 214767 133638 Hr

The Bobcat Company, in partnership with Rick and Julie Kreuter, gave Keith Fortin of Whitehall, Montana the ultimate landscaping transformation.

Conservation Plot After 5600 With Seeder 214755 133635 HrBobcat and the co-hosts of the television show, “Beyond the Hunt” on the Outdoor Channel, selected Fortin as this year’s winner of the 2014 Create & Conserve contest.

The team visited his property to help re-establish native plants species, encourage new growth and develop the land for a sustainable future.

For more than a week, Fortin’s land, which is just east of the continental divide, was transformed through a variety of Bobcat equipment.

The team installed 1,800 feet of irrigation to water the plot of land, as well as dug a pond adjacent to the plot and removed dead trees for firewood.

Entrants of the contest were asked to describe their ideal land transformation project that supports conservation.

The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
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