Suståne Natural Fertilizer offers products for organic lawn care

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Green Grass with Morning DewGreat looking lawns start from the ground up, and now more than ever your some of clients are looking for a more natural way to grow a green lawn. Suståne Natural Fertilizer’s new Sustainable Lawn Building Program can help your company provide easier organic lawn care for your customers.

SustÃ¥ne’s fertilizers are used by turfgrass professionals at public parks, equestrian tracks, athletic stadiums and golf courses worldwide, and now your clients can have the same products used to maintain their lawn in a sustainable, eco-friendly manner.

The Sustainable Lawn Building Program is designed to take the guess work out of lawn fertility by offering four products that can be used independently for specific applications or conditions. It can also be used in combination for a custom program that meets the needs of individual budgets and lawns.

Certified by the USDA as bio-based materials, the products are all-natural fertilizers, and three out of four products are certified organic. By harnessing the uses of the Sustainable Lawn Building Program, you can learn about the right products to apply at the right time to make sure your client’s lawn is beautiful and professional-looking.

Spring application

Suståne’s Spring Weed and Feed 9-0-0 can also help you rid your client’s yard of those pesky weeds. Being a corn gluten meal based product, it helps prevent weeds from establishing in the spring. This product is high in slow-release nitrogen, which can help lawns grow lush and green. For clients who want to remain organic, or for those who don’t have the issue of weeds, you can consider this an optional part of the program.

Early summer application

This 9-0-2 early summer fertilizer is made from a combination of aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, green waste compost, sulfate of potash and Chilean nitrate, which create a boost of energy needed for growth followed by long lasting nutrients to promote a thick lawn.

Late summer application

Suståne’s turf starter and overseeder 4-6-4 is formulated to be applied directly with grass seed and is made from aerobically composted turkey litter, sulfate of potash and feather meal.

Fall application

Winterizing your client’s lawn can help kick-start the growth for spring. When applied in the fall, the Suståne 8-0-4 is a combination of aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, sulfate of potash and green waste compost, which can help their lawn achieve beautiful green color at a faster rate in the spring.

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