Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have likely logged into your Facebook or Instagram and seen someone doing some sort of live broadcasting. You know what I’m talking about. Oftentimes, the quality is grainy but for some reason, it catches your attention.
Some of us think they catch on because someone has found some cute way of going viral. Other times they catch our attention because of the pure authenticity of knowing that someone is filming on their phone right at that very instant. There are a lot of reasons why a business owner might consider using Facebook or Instagram live (or any of the other live broadcasting tools) to grow their business, but today I’m going to focus on just four of the reasons live broadcasting makes sense for your landscaping business.
Broadcast live from current projects: Human beings are inherently curious. We want to know what’s going on with other people and local businesses. A great way to reach the local community is to broadcast from a current project.
Are you in the middle of a really great property makeover? Why not broadcast the steps you’re taking to increase the value of that property? Designing a new landscape or visiting a local greenhouse? Why not talk about the things that will help you make the best decisions for your clients? Offer some tidbits and tips to make the broadcast valuable for the viewers.
Interview a current client: Do you have one of those raving fans that all business owners dream about? You know that person who always says “If there’s anyone else I can introduce you to, let me know” or they’re constantly sending you referrals?
Instead of taking that for granted, let them know how special they are by interviewing them while you’re on Facebook or Instagram live. Talk with them about the services you brought to their property and ask them how it has improved their home value. Touch on items that some potential customers may not be thinking about, like how your services make a client’s life easier. Nothing speaks better to your abilities than a satisfied customer.
Answer FAQs: When you think about the questions that potential customers ask you, which one is the one that pops out of your mouth automatically? The one that you get so often that you know a new customer is going to ask you this before the service gets started.
You probably have a list of these types of questions in your head, but you’ve never viewed these questions as potential content. Why not produce a broadcast that answers the most commonly asked questions you receive? Not only will it be helpful to potential customers, but it also shows the authenticity of you, the person providing the answers. Remember, the goal of live broadcasting isn’t simply to sell a service but to make a better and deeper connection with your customers and community.
When thinking about live broadcasting, part of what you’re trying to do is gain a sensitivity to the everyday things that are normal to you – might be fascinating to a viewer or social media follower. Sharpening a lawn mower blade may be normal to you – but to your average homeowner, it is not. Placing the right plants in the shady parts of a client’s lawn is normal to you – to the average homeowner, it might not be.
Recognize and praise employees: Most people love knowing that the company they are doing business with, especially if it is a locally owned company, is one that treats their employees well. Live broadcasting offers you an authentic chance to show your gratefulness to your awesome team.
Why not broadcast once a month with one of your top-performing employees and allow them to answer some questions? Not only does that give you a chance to brag about them a little and build them up, but it also builds your company reputation at the same time and may even lead to some new well-qualified job applicants.
The key to live broadcasting is just to get started.
Everyone thinks they’re going to be great on camera until the camera turns on, so have a plan ahead of time. Let people around you know you’re going live and that what’s going on in the background can be heard by your viewers. Shoot to broadcast for at least five minutes and don’t forget to remind your viewers to like, comment, and share! Most of all, have fun!
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was written by David Pride. Pride is the owner of Social Impressions, a social media marketing agency that creates strategic social media content and ads for clients around the USA. Check out his website socialimpressions.net or find him on all social media channels @DavidaPride.