Grass Be Gone?

Photo: BBC NewsPhoto: BBC News

There is a lawn in London that actually isn’t a lawn at all.

Well, by definition, it is probably still a lawn, but is it a lawn if you remove all of the grass?

PhD researcher Lionel Smith from the University of Reading has designed and implemented a grass-free lawn in a west London park.

Now the question on everyone’s mind is, how?

Instead of grass, he was able to use a variety of different plants to coat the area and in turn, create a sensory landscape that produces 25 percent more insect life than found in traditional lawns in the area.

Talk about knowing your plants.

Because Smith experienced a severe drought in 1976 and witnessed the grass dying but the wildflowers blooming, he was intrigued enough to learn, study and examine plants to eventually create this type of landscape.

We all know xeriscaping is a great way to help reduce water usage, but have you ever thought about taking out the grass permanently – even if it’s not necessary?

Homeowners and clients may not be jumping in line to get this type of landscape for their yard, but it’s definitely an option to keep in mind to suggest in the future.

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