Three behaviors that scare employees

Updated Aug 14, 2018

Scared EmployeeDon’t you hate when someone starts a sentence with “we need to talk”? Or, do you get embarrassed when someone calls you out in front of your peers? You aren’t the only one who likes to avoid these situations; they can also scare your employees. Here are behaviors to avoid with your staff.

1. Ignore complaints: If your employees take the time to come to you with a situation or problem, you need to respect that and investigate their complaint. By showing you care about what is bothering them, it shows the employee you value them. Or, you could end up with one less employee or a lawsuit. This can be as easy as talking with them on a weekly basis just to see what is going on with them.

2. Let someone go without explanation: When you fire someone, you put everyone on edge. But, by telling your employees why that person was let go, they can learn from that person’s mistakes. If they understand what is expected of other staff members, they will know what they need to do to thrive in your business.

3. Talk before you speak: You need to realize the effect your words can have on your employees. If you’re negative, this will trickle down to them and affect their work ethic. Also, if you need to talk with an employee about an issue you’re having with them, start it off in a positive manner. No, you shouldn’t sugar-coat the truth too much, but you don’t want to start a conversation by putting them on the defensive.

Remember: The secret to your success is, in part, your employees. So, make sure you create a healthy work environment where both they and your business can excel.

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