Do Outdoor Living Right

Updated May 8, 2013

Pave the way to beautiful outdoor living with new products and equipment.

KeystoneAll-Purpose Pavers

The Keystone Paving Country Manor system combines the rustic appearance of hand-laid stone with unmatched design versatility. Textured on three sides and using a pin-connection system, each unit has the flexibility to be used in multiple positions. With this design consideration, Country Manor is designed for everything from traditional retaining walls to unique outdoor living elements.


Cambridge_PaversCozy Sitting Area

The Cambridge Pavers fire table serves as a center point for social gatherings and outdoor living, creating a resort surrounding. It has a 32-inch inside diameter, 60-inch outside diameter, 29-inch height and a 150K BTU burner. The fire table’s ring is available in either cast stone or granite.




Pine_Hall_BrickGoing Green

For the planners of the streetscape in New Albany, Ohio, the cost estimates were virtually the same to apply new asphalt, conventional curb inlets, underground storm sewer piping or permeable pavers. The village decided to go with Pine Hall Brick’s StormPave permeable clay pavers. With a permeable paver system, stormwater filters down and dissipates into the soil.



Boulder DesignsSigns that Rock

Boulder Designs are functional boulders made from solid, reinforced, specially enhanced concrete that can beautify a landscape. Boulder Designs trains you on its simple system to create custom boulders that can be used for name or address rocks, memorials, business signage, ranches, schools, parks or subdivisions. Its products are earth-friendly and often allowed by local zoning regulations.


BOMAG_BVP10-36Firm Foundation

BOMAG’s BVP Series single-direction plate compactors are designed for jobs ranging from soil or asphalt compaction to paver and patio installation. Powered by air-cooled Honda gasoline engines equipped with low-oil alert, the BVP Series includes two models: the BVP10/36 weighing 183 pounds and the BVP18/45 weighing 201 pounds. An optional Vulcolan mat helps prevent damage to paving stone or brick surfaces.


EasyProSparkling Water

The EasyPro Pond Products pump/filter/UV combo provides filtration in a compact, submersible unit. It is designed for small and pre-formed ponds and includes three fountain nozzles and  a diverter valve. The 640 GPH pump has a 20-foot power cord and is 48 watts. The pump provides filtration for 600 to 1,250 gallon ponds.




Takeuchi1Dirt work

Packed with a variety of standard features – including multiple working modes, secondary auxiliary hydraulics, a boom-holding valve and an overload alarm – the Takeuchi TB285 excavator can preform tasks like site prep for hardscape projects. With a turbocharged engine and load-sensing hydraulic system, this machine has 15 feet of dig depth and almost 24 1/2 feet of reach.

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