Stihl, landscapers beautify schools for Day of Service

Updated Feb 19, 2013

Stihl partnered with Virginia Beach’s Parks and Recreation, local companies, K&D Round’s Landscape Services and Bartlett Tree Experts to clean up two school properties. The project was part of the annual Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) Day of Service, a nationwide Earth Day event.

The event, on April 20 and 21, was held at Newton Elementary and Bettie F. William Elementary schools.

During the two-day event, 60 volunteers helped lay 225 yards of mulch, plant three trees and reclaim a small wooded lot used as an outdoor classroom and a corridor area previously damaged by the 2011 Nor’easter. Some of the improvements included several hazardous tree removals, pruning of dead and damaged limbs, weeding, clearing flower beds, planting trees and perennials (donated by local wholesalers) and common area and interior courtyard mulch replenishment.

For more information on PLANET’s Day of Service, visit To learn more about Stihl, visit

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