One investigation that involved the death of a Florida construction worker has come to a close.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has finished its investigation of one construction worker who died in April, according to Nwfdailynews.
No one was cited for the worker’s death after he was run over by a front-end loader on a jobsite.
OSHA, however, did cite the company, H&T Contractors, for not having a seat belt in the front-end loader.
The construction worker died after he and two other men walked in front of the front-end loader at the jobsite, the article states.
On any jobsite, it’s important all employees and employers are following the proper safety precautions.
Here’s a quick starter checklist from OSHA:
Compliance Assistance Quick Start: Construction Industry
Follow the steps below to identify the major OSHA construction requirements and guidance materials that may apply to your jobsite. These steps will lead you to resources on OSHA’s website that will help you comply with OSHA requirements and prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.
- Step 1: OSHA Requirements Related to Leading Hazards at Construction Sites
- Step 2: Other OSHA Requirements That May Apply to Your Jobsite
- Step 3: Survey Your Workplace for Additional Hazards
- Step 4: Develop a Jobsite Safety and Health Program
- Step 5: Train Your Employees
- Step 6: Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting
- Step 7: Find Additional Compliance Assistance Information