ASLA accepting entries for 2015 professional, student awards

Asla Tlc MagazineThe American Society of Landscape Architects is looking for entries for its 2015 professional and student awards.

Winners, as well as their clients and student advisors, will be recognized at the awards presentation during the ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO in Chicago during November.

The projects will be featured during a video presentation at the ceremony and on the awards website.

For the first time this year, entries will be handled through an online format.

Both the professional and student awards feature five categories: general design; residential design; analysis and planning; communications and research. The professional awards also include the Landmark Award, while the student awards include the student community service award and student collaboration categories.

Entry submissions and payment must be received by March 27 for ASLA professional awards and May 22 for ASLA student awards.

Members of this year’s professional awards jury are:

  • Keith LeBlanc, FASLA, Keith LeBlanc Landscape Architecture Inc., Boston, Jury Chair
  • Thomas Balsley, FASLA, Thomas Balsley Associates, New York City
  • RenĂ© Bihan, ASLA, SWA Group, San Francisco
  • Alan Brake, The Architect’s Newspaper LLC, New York City
  • Kathleen Dickhut, ASLA, Department of Housing and Economic Development, Chicago
  • Signe Nielsen, FASLA, Mathews Nielsen, New York City
  • Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, FASLA, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Mark Robbins, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Richard Weller, ASLA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Members of the student awards jury are:

  • Kona Gray, ASLA, EDSA, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Jury Chair
  • Richard Bumstead, ASLA, University of Chicago, Chicago
  • Maurice Cox, Tulane University, New Orleans
  • Katya Crawford, Affiliate ASLA, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Lisa Gimmy, ASLA, Lisa Gimmy Landscape Architecture, Los Angeles
  • David Hill, ASLA, D.I.R.T. Studio, Auburn, Alabama
  • Fernando Magallanes, ASLA, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Katherine Orff, ASLA, Scape / Landscape Architecture PLLC, New York City
  • Laura Solano, ASLA, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts

View the ASLA 2014 professional and student award winners.


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