RISE meets with industry professionals to discuss fertilizer and pesticide issues

New England Grows trade show attendees stopped by the RISE booth to play Jenga and talk with RISE staff about pesticide and fertilizer issues, and the importance of grassroots engagement in advocacy efforts.New England Grows trade show attendees stopped by the RISE booth to play Jenga and talk with RISE staff about pesticide and fertilizer issues, and the importance of grassroots engagement in advocacy efforts.

Green industry professionals gathered to discuss pesticides and fertilizer issues with the Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment, or RISE, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Individuals gathered at New England Grows, a horticulture tradeshow to talk about pesticides and fertilizer issues, as well as the importance of grassroots engagement in advocacy efforts.

Show attendees and those who were unable to attend the show could engage with RISE on Twitter. Some of the information shared via social media included photos of booth visitors with their Jenga pieces, lawncare tips and grassroots information.







The Attachments Idea Book
Landscapers use a variety of attachments for doing everything from snow removal to jobsite cleanup, and regardless of how often they are used, every landscaper has a favorite attachment.
Attachments Idea Book Cover