Landscapers volunteer to improve grounds of local animal shelter

Kurt Christiansen of Christiansen Associates joins local landscapers to at the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. Photo: Kevin Johnson, Santa Cruz Sentinel.Kurt Christiansen of Christiansen Associates joins local landscapers to at the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. Photo: Kevin Johnson, Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Fellow landscapers recently joined together to give the Santa Cruz Animal Shelter in Live Oak, California, a landscape makeover. Volunteers from the California Landscape Contractors Association and animal shelter upgraded the irrigation system, installed rocks and a drainage system and planted succulents, native plants and shade trees.

“What they do at that shelter is incredible, and they work very hard to find every animal a new home,” garden designer Barbara Olsen told the Santa Cruz Sentinel. “The landscape that was put in was beautiful, sustainable and drought-tolerant, but it was neglected. They were focusing on what they needed to do, which was help animals.”

Shelter manager Melanie Sobel said the shelter plans to seek certification from the Monterey Bay Friendly Landscape program, which seeks to encourage residents to create beautiful, healthy and sustainable gardens and landscapes.

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