PBI-Gordon Named Preferred Supplier of Segway Fungicide SC

Updated Apr 10, 2014

Segway-MockupPBI-Gordon has been named the preferred supplier of Segway Fungicide SC.

Segway Fungicide SC is a product that treats pythium diseases that can plague cool-season and warm-season turf, especially on golf courses.

Segway Fungicide SC is a proprietary product of Japan-based Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha (ISK).

PBI-Gordon will begin selling the fungicide to distributors on May 17 for use on turf and landscape ornamentals.

The fungicide uses the active ingredient cyazofamid to provide preventative control of pythium root dysfunction, pythium blight and damping-off in turf, and phytopthora crown and root rots, and pythium crown and root rots in landscape ornamentals. 

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