Good at Getting Lucky

Lefty Gomez pitched a winning game for the All Americans with a score of 6 to 2.Lefty Gomez pitched a winning game for the All Americans with a score of 6 to 2.

Vernon Louis “Lefty” Gomez, who played for the Major League Baseball between 1930 and 1943 for the New York Yankees and the Washington Senators, often said, “I’d rather be lucky than good.”

I’ve actually had a bit of luck lately. In the past month, I’ve won three different radio station contests. This has nothing to do with how good I am but just plain luck — unless you consider knowing when to dial the phone a skill.

But what can luck really get you anyways (other than a few cool concerts)? While having chance on your side every so often can definitely be helpful, you can’t rely on it. That’s why it’s important to have a firm foundation in your business and not leave important matters to chance.

You wouldn’t want to say, “I hope we get lucky and win that bid.” You need to have confidence in your work to know you’ve done everything in your power to secure that job.

So while my husband begs me to buy a lotto card, I’ll stick to things I’m good at — being lucky.

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